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So this week Simon's parents were in town visiting, and we decided to take a little weekend trip. The night before we left we decided on Prague. None of us had ever been there, we didn't have to drive over the Alps, and it was relatively close only about 3 and half hours away. Before we left we had to make sure that the rental car could drive to the Czech Republic, because apparently not all rental cars can, they have to be a certain type. I still don't know why. To make our adventure even crazier, the bag with Simon and my stuff in it somehow didn't make into the car. We did not make this discovery until we were at our hotel. Luckily, Auby's stuff made it and we had our coats and gloves. We did however, miss our thermals it was very cold. I'm sorry that there aren't more pictures of Auburn. She was bundled up in her stroller. Prague is a really neat city and has a lot to explore. Here are some of pictures.....

St. Nicholas Church, where Mozart once played the organ

All of us in front of the astronomical clock in the Old Town.

The Prague Castle. If you look closely, I am in the green coat with the stroller.

I am glad that we are learning German, not Czech.
I couldn't understand anything, and it made German sound much easier.

Charle's Bridge

The Dancing House. Is is suppose to look like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers.


Adriana said…
I am so jealous of Auburn that she gets to live in Germany and visit all these cool places! Prague is on my list, maybe next year...
Peggy said…
I am so glad you have a blog!!!! Sounds like a wonderful trip! Thanks for sharing pictures with us!!!
Auntie Peggy

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