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Spain - Part I

17 days. 4,500 miles. 34 cities. Castles, cathedrals, bull rings, soccer games, art museums, a national park, natural thermal bath, a cave... Whew! We had a wonderful time! Auburn is a great little traveler. We feel so grateful that we are able to travel and see so many wonderful things.

Castillo de la Mendoza
in Manzanares El Real just outside of Madrid
Daddy and Auby at Coca Castle
The aqueduct in Segovia. It was built in the first century by the Romans and does not have any mortar holding it together.
Auburn and I in front of one of the city gates in Avila. The entire city is enclosed by 88 towers and eight gates.

Simon at the Porto game. We spent one night in Portugal. They didn't allow babies in the stadium, so Auburn and I explored the city while Simon went to the game.

We spent Easter morning in Salmanca. This is the main catedral. We missed the Semana Santa processional, but saw preparations at the church while we were there.

This is the main plaza in Salamanca decorated for Easter.

Estadio Santiago Bernabeu
Home of Real Madrid

Auburn enjoying her first game in Spain! Real Madrid beat Valladolid 2-0.

The caves at Santimamine. The cave has stalactites, stalagmites and prehistoric cave paintings.

Castle Butron
It looked like it was right out from a fairy tale.

Orbaneja de Castillo
Pictures don't really capture how beautiful this little city is.

The catedral in Burgos.
This catedral was gigantic and very impressive. It is really hard to capture with a camera.

The windmills of Conseugra. These are the windmills that haunted Don Quoijote.

Castillo de Calatrava

Auburn enjoying the view from the Castillo de Calatrava.


Stacy Pettersen said…
Can I just say that I am incredibly jealous?! That about sums it up.
SJ said…
WOW! What an amazing adventure! I'm glad Auby's a good little traveler. It looks like you had so much fun! I didn't realize you were going to be gone for so long, and get to do so much. But that's why you're there! Enjoy!
Bradley L. Hill said…
Los abuelos están muy admirados de vuestras aventuras en la madre pátria. ¡Y la criaturita Auby es toda una forastera!
Karlie said…
How amazing! Thanks for sharing your journey with us. Your little girl is so cute.
ilikewinter said…
So my husband and I just went through all your traveling photos and noticed a something- every set contains a soccer picture. =) Someone's a fan, eh? Ha ha, that's cool! I bet European soccer probably beats US soccer any day, eh?

Beautiful places, Jodi! You already know this, but you are lucky to be over there and able to experience that! Really cool!!

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