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Spring, glorious spring!

Spring is finally here in Munich. I am so grateful! After living in Florida for 8 years, I have forgotten how long and cold winters can be. We would have weeks when the temperature would barely go above freezing all week, yuck!!! Auburn and I have been taking advantage of the good weather by going on long walks every day. Even though we live right downtown, we are very close to a few parks, Luitpold Park and Olympic Park (where the 1972 Olympics were held). After WWII, these parks were the dumping grounds for all of the rubble. They created large "hills" on top of the rubble. We have been walking up the paths to get some great views of the city and for some really good exercise!

On Saturday, we walked to a park that is a little bit further away. Simon plays pick-up soccer every Saturday at the Englischer Gardens. Auburn and I had a little picnic and watched the ducks while Simon played soccer (and scored a hat trick) and then we walked back together.

I forgot my camera on Saturday. This is a picture of us at the Olympic Park. Just a few months ago this lake was solid frozen and we went for a walk across it.


Boyd Box said…
We've been enjoying Spring for awhile here in GA. However, the past week or so, we've been bombarded by storms. Thankfully, we have just enough of a grade on our property that the water flows away from the house (and into the neighbors'...sorry!)
Aubry looks a lot like you. She's such a cutie!
Ashley Hall said…
I hear ya! As you know, Utah always plays tricks on us with the weather. We have had a mix of all the seasons in the past couple weeks. I'm so ready for spring because it's so nice to get out of the house and Kayley loves being outside. That looks like a beautiful park. We need to talk again soon. I'll try to get on tomorrow morning to say hi for your birthday! But if I don't get talk to you if you guys are out or something then just know that I'm thinking of you and I love you!
SJ said…
Hooray for Spring! I love all the blossoms, and actually got a little yard work done yesterday, now to plant a garden :)

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