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The Frankfurt temple
It was so uplifting, refreshing, and peaceful

This is the "old town" of Frankfurt. It isn't very big, just a couple squares of charming buildings.

This is the old city hall. The main cathedral also had this red finish on it.

This is the last day of games for the Bundesliga. Frankfurt lost 3-2 to Hamburg.


So, a few months back I lost my blog list, and apparently I didn't add yours back on...I just thought you guys hadn't updated in a loooong time! I had so much fun reading over your last couple months of posts! Auburn is SO big and she is just beautiful! I can't believe she is almost 9 months old! Doesn't the time absolutely fly by?! It looks like you guys are having a blast and staying happy and healthy! Craig, Porter and I are making a big move out to Denver in a few weeks, since he has been out of a job for almost 7 months now. Time to move on, and time for some big changes! I am resistant, but then I think about how you guys moved across the world and are making it work, so I can do it too! Happy to have found you again :) xo
Emily said…
Thanks! So I guess no one will be going to the group tomorrow! Apparently my ward is having a relief society activity in the morning that I didn't even know about and they invited your ward! Anyway have fun at German class tomorrow!

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