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Auburn loves books! Since she was only 3 months old she would sit and watch you turn the pages of a book. A few months ago she figured out how to turn the pages on her own. She thought she was pretty clever. Now that she is crawling, she will find a stack of her books, pull all of them down and flip through them one by one. At the end of the day I find every single book on the ground and open to a different page. I hope that she will always love books!


Boyd Box said…
Love it!! Emily has recently gotten into the phase of "reading shripsures" and either tells her own story from the pictures in the Reader, The Friend, or makes up what she thinks the words are in The Book of Mormon. It's really funny and hard not to allow her to do it past her bedtime.
Bradley L. Hill said…
Auburn, your ancestors, living and dead, are all delighted to see this intellectual inclination! Have you dipped into Victor Hugo or Dickens yet?

Grandpa Hill
SJ said…
I remember when Samuel went through that phase...and all the time I spent picking up his books! I think it was all worth it though.
So cute! I wish our little girls were best friends!
Ashley Hall said…
I can't believe how grown up she is starting to look. So cute! Our little girls are almost 1 year old. It's so hard for me to believe. Kayley loves books too and especially loves taking them out of her basket and throwing them all over the floor! :) We really need to chat soon. I need an update.

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