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what we have been doing this month... so far

being cute!

She shares all of her toys with everyone.

Enjoying the last few days of summer
Auburn loves ducks and we went to the park to see them while Daddy played soccer

learning how to play the guitar with Daddy

Simon went to the Bayern v. Wolfsberg game. Apparently it was awesome. Auburn and I stayed home and watched a chick flick.

studying German

This week Auburn went to the doctor for her one year check up. She weighed in at a whopping 8 kilos, which is a little more than 17 pounds. She is such a light weight, only in the 25 percentile. Although I don't know how, because she eats a ton of food! She getting up on her feet more and more but is not really close to walking She has learned how to say "dog" and she points out every dog she sees, which is a lot because we walk everywhere. She also says "baby" and "go", I think the count is about 7 words now. We are getting excited for the big one year birthday! I'll post pictures of the cake. I hope that she makes a huge mess!


Bradley L. Hill said…
Auburn seems to have it all: beauty, grace, intelligence, talent, and seven words to live by!

What marvelous parents you two are!
Boyd Box said…
Really? She's one already?!? I guess she'd have to be. Gianna is already over 8 months.
She IS a lightweight! Gianna weighs the same...17 lbs. She is adorable.
Ashley Hall said…
I so wish that we lived closer. I know that Auburn and Kayley would just be the best of friends. She is such a cutie. I've missed you! It's been forever. We really really need to meet online soon or at least start emailing!

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