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We head to Cambodia to see Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat is a temple complex built in the 12th century. It is in a city called Siem Reap. There are many temples in the complex and the Angkor temple is the largest. It was incredible. We rented a driver and a tuk-tuk for the day and went from temple to temple. We spent a lot of time walking through and around the temples. It was really hot when we were there. Auburn was a trooper. She was able to take a few naps in the carrier and enjoyed plenty of water and snacks throughout the day.

Angkor Temple
This is the biggest and I would say the most impressive one. There are more pictures at the bottom of the post.

Ta Prohm
This really felt like a movie set with all of the trees growing out in the growing through and around the ruins. There was actually part of a movie filmed here, I think it was one of the Tomb Raider movies. We still have to watch it to see if we recognize any of the places.

taking a break before we hiked to the top of the temple

If you look carefully you can see faces on temple.

more Angkor


Bradley L. Hill said…
I found the faces :) :) !
What's a tuk tuk? Would I find one here in San Diego?

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