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Auburn update

I really meant to write an update when Auburn turned 18 months, but somehow it just never happened. Now she is 19 and half months old. Here are a few of her (and our) favorite things:

She likes to call Daddy. She will pick up any phone and say "Dad" and then tell him about her day. She sometimes gets upset when I am on the phone and it is not Simon. Apparently, once when I was gone she called me.

She now asks for soccer games and the ball.

She will bring you her blanket and saw "snuggle" (we both love this!)

She asks Simon to "tackle" her. He throws her in the air and she just laughs and laughs.

She loves her bears and dolls. She started feeding them her sippy and crackers and has asked to put a diaper on them. I didn't think this would happen until after the baby was born, but I was wrong.

Her new favorite songs include: Wheels on the Bus, 5 Speckled Frogs and If your Happy and You Know it. She does the actions and will ask for each of them by name. She will even have her dolls and bears do the actions as well.

She still loves the swings, slides and now playing in the sand.

She has become very independent. I hear "self" a lot these days. She wants to eat, drink from a big girl cup and walk by herself.

She is a very good helper and will help clean up.

She helps me cook (she stirs and plays with the bowls while I cook). The other day I asked her what she was doing and she said "help dinner". I asked her what she was making and she told me "pasta". I guess that is her favorite.

When she really likes some food she says "yummy".

Simon speaks only Spanish with her and her Spanish is coming along really well. In fact sometimes I have to ask him what she is saying if I haven't heard him use the word before. I guess I need to learn Spanish.

She still loves books and repeats almost everything. Her vocabulary grows everyday, it just amazes me.

We just love her so much and are so grateful for our Auburn! I have been meaning to put up some new pictures of her, I just have to take them first.


SJ said…
Oh how I wish I were there to play with her and give her big squeezes. Next time we call we'll be ready to sing!
Bradley L. Hill said…
Thank you! Thank you! You're such a good chronicler!

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