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Germany road trip - part 2

Here is the second part of our trip. I figured that since I am this baby is due next week, I better get this finished.

Schloss Wernigerode
It was a nice little castle that looked over a very picturques town.

Auburn enjoying the Wolfsburg game.

We took a ferry ride in Hamburg to see the city from a different view. Auburn loved the boats.

We saw the Rathaus, the Dom and the Bremen town Musicians. Simon even got to see some mummies in the crypt.

Daddy and Auburn at the Bremen game.

You are probably wondering why there is a picture of windmills. All over Germany there are windmills and Auburn kept asking about them. She learned the word the first day and kept asking for them the entire trip. One night in the car she kept asking for "more windmills" and was really upset when we couldn't magically make them appear.

We drove over to Poland, just to say that we been there. There was much over the border, you really had to drive to get to the bigger cities. We did stop and have some Goulash and it was really yummy!

Olympic Stadium in Berlin.

Brandenburg Gate

Reichstag (Parliament building)
You can actually walk up to the top of the glass dom in the middle for a great view of Berlin.

Auburn stretching her legs at the Berliner Dom

East Side Gallery
Some remnants of the wall that artists have been able to paint.

Dom in Dresden

Royal courtyard in Dresden

We went to this really cool national park called Bastei. It was kind of a foggy morning. The pictures don't do it justice, but it was quite beautiful.

We had a wonderful time on our trip!


SJ said…
yeah! new pictures! Good luck this week. We'll keep you in our prayers.
Bradley L. Hill said…
Thank you for posting! We understand it may be a while before blogging moves back to the top of your "to do" list. Let's see... stay healthy, have baby, welcome new spirit into home, recover health and strength, nurture two children, etc. We'll just have to wait, despite our excitement for you!

We also will keep you in our prayers.

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