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big sister

With all of the attention that Conley has been getting, I thought I would make a post about the big sister. Auburn is such a sweet older sister. She is always bringing him her favorite blanket and her toys. These are her new jammy jams. She walked around for days saying "new jammies like it".

This is Auburn and Daddy at the park on the big swing.

These are my two little munchkins in their double stroller. Auburn is always saying "Auburn sit next to Conley". She loves to hold his hand and help him find his bink when he cries.

This is in the subway station. I guess they were just both exhausted.

We just love our Auburn! She is really growing in so many ways. Her vocabulary is incredible and she has started saying four and five word sentences. She specifically asked for her "pink bow" in the picture below. Yes, that is right she knows her colors (in English and Spanish) She has also named all of her shirts and usually requests what she wants to wear in the morning, and she is only 20 months.


Bradley L. Hill said…
Wie hübsch bist du, Auburn. Und so intelligent!

¡Qué linda eres, Auburn! ¡Y tan inteligente!

How pretty you are, Auburn! And so smart!
Stacy Pettersen said…
Wow, that is impressive! She needs to teach Annabelle some lessons, her biggest sentence is 2 words.

Meanwhile, where did you find those PJs??? I totally need to get them for Annabelle when we have our next one. Super cute!

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