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three weeks

Conley is already three weeks old. I can't believe where the time has gone. He is such a sweet and calm baby. He is already a big boy! He is almost too big for his 0-3 month clothes. He is a champion sleeper, usually waking only one time during the night. He has even had a few nights of 8 hour sleep, it has been wonderful! We just love him and are so happy to have him here in our family!
Everyone has asked me how Auburn has adjusted to having a sibling. She was a little bit jealous and wanted Mommy to hold her all the time, but she soon got over that. She loves her brother. She is always bringing him her toys and her favorite blanket. I had to intercept a rice cake that she was trying to feed him the other day and explain that he only drinks milk right now. She also regularly asks to "hold baby Conley" or "snuggle baby Conley". She also loves the double stroller and asks me to "sit next Conley". She really is such a wonderful big sister!

Here are some more pictures of our little man. I included a few of Auburn because she is just cute.


Bradley L. Hill said…
Thank you for the new photos! Your folks must feel like they are in Heaven, surrounded by you and Simon and those two precious grandchildren.
Karlie said…
Handsome little guy. So fun.
faith said…
They grow so fast, don't they?! He sure is cute. And I love that picture of Auburn holding her baby brother. She looks like a happy big sister!
gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!! I am so happy he's being a great little guy for you, and that Auburn is being a great big sister! xoxo

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