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World Cup

Four years ago my husband was planning on going to the World Cup here Germany... well we got married instead. The plan was for us to both go to the next one in South Africa, and then well... our little Conley was due a month before the start. So being the super-cool wife that I am, I told my husband to go without me, as long as I have help while he was gone. My parents came to help and I sent my husband off for two weeks to see seven World Cup games.

USA vs. Slovenia

Argentina vs. S. Korea

USA vs. England
He went with my cousin Ryan and their friend Duane.

Soccer city stadium
Netherlands vs. Denmark

Apparently Simon and Ryan climbed up this and jumped into the water fully dressed. That's sound like my husband.

Honduras vs. Chile
I think the zebra pattern on the seats are cool.

To me this just says "South Africa"

My handsome hubby!

They *hunted for penguins
*followed them around taking a thousand pictures of them
Portugal vs. N. Korea

USA vs. Algeria

They saw a lot of cool animals just from driving around.

Apparently this guy started charging after them while they were in the car.

So, in four years we will hopefully be going together to Brazil for the next World Cup!


SJ said…
Awesome! Craig is so jealous, especially because it was in his hometown! (well, home country at least!)

You ARE a super-cool wife!
Wow, you're super-cooler than me!
Boyd Box said…
You guys are just awesome.
Bradley L. Hill said…
Thanks for posting these! You guys will never gather any moss!
Bradley L. Hill said…
"Hill...LEGEND" What did your banner say?

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