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India - part 2

Taj Mahal
Well, it is totally worth all of the hype. What a beautiful and impressive building. Pictures really don't do it justice at all. It is bigger than I thought it would be and has so much detail. The stone sparkles in the sun. We spent most of the day there just taking it all in.

Believe it or not, this is our first family picture since Conley was born. It took us four months to get one of all of us.

Conley loving the Taj Mahal.

She learned how to say Taj Mahal, but added a syallable "Taja Mahal". It was so cute to hear her say it.

Hill family special

It is a good thing that my daughter loves rice. She really lived off of it the time that we were there. The food was really, really spicy.

Everyone loved our double stroller. This is the Red Fort in Agra.
What you don't see is is a bunch of other people taking our picture behind Simon.

So a typical traffic jam in India consists of cars, tuk-tuks(what we are in), bikes, motorcycles and cows. This picture didn't have a cow in it, but they always in the middle of the street.

Baby Taj
This is in the same city as the Taj Mahal, and has been nicknamed the Baby Taj. Not as big, but still some impressive stone work.
He is just really too cute!

Auburn sporting her new India shirt.

Delhi - the largest mosque in India
I had to wear this lovely robe because I was wearing shorts.

We feel really blessed to have all of these adventures and that our children travel so well.
Who knows where we will end up next....


Emily said…
Love the picture of Conley in the red shirt, he looks so cute! Glad to hear the kids traveled well, you guys are so lucky!
SJ said…
So Cool! Let's go together in 15 years.

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