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Our life is always full of some adventure, somewhere. Our lastest adventure was India. Simon and I had been talking about India for sometime and finally were able to male it happen. It was hot and humid, a big difference from our cold summer here in Germany. This was the first trip that Auburn was really aware that we were leaving our home and travelling. She had a bit of a culture shock when we arrived. The heat, bugs, dirt and all of the people trying to take pictures of her. She adjusted quickly, and had a great time. Conley was as happy as ever, as long as he has his family and milk, he is good to go. The kids were amazing on the flights. Conley had a bassinet and the crew managed to get us a seat for Auburn which made a huge difference. I think airlines know that if the family with children are happy, then everyone is happy.

The kids were superstars in India. Everyone thought that they were twins. We also had crowds of people around our children taking pictures. I didn't mind the pictures, it was the constant need that many people felt to pinch our kids cheeks. We were constantly saying "don't touch". I wasn't expecting the kids to draw that much attention.

We spent our time in New Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. We traveled by trains, tuk-tuks, rickshaws and taxis. It was really an adventure and we had a great time! Here are the first set of pictures. I'll add more later, especially the ones of Taj Mahal.

Laxminarayan Temple - Delhi

Lotus Temple - New Delhi
The temple is even more impressive in real life. You are not allowed to speak or make any noise inside. Luckily our kids were both really good. Don't mind Auburn's grumpy face in the picture. She wanted a cracker and we told her after the picture she could have one

India vs. Thailand
probably one of the smallest stadiums we have ever been to, especially for a national game. It just happened to be going on while we were there, so we stopped by to check it out. Auburn is really starting to like soccer games.

Humayun's tomb - Delhi

Monkey Temple
This is in Jaipur and looks like it came right out of Indiana Jones. Monkeys have taken over this temple and are everywhere. Auburn loved it.

If you look really closely you can see to monkeys in the top right corner. They would climb to the top of the wall and jump in to the water. It was hilarious. You never knew who was going next or from where. Probably one of the most random afternoons I have ever had.

Palace inside of the Amber Fort

Amber Fort, Jaipur

Yes, those are real cobras. I didn't let my children anywhere near them.

Akshardam temple, New Delhi
This structure is really quite amazing. You aren't allowed to have cameras on the grounds so this is the best we could do. There was so much detail inside and out of the temple, it is a beautiful building.
more pictures to come...


Actuary Mom said…
Amazing pictures!

I am constantly amazed by you two. I can't believe all of the traveling you do.
Amazing! I can't believe how different our lives are...both good, and full of happiness, but so so different! I love seeing your pictures from your travels! I especially love the photo of Conley in the carrier with his big 'ol chunky legs hanging out the bottom...tooooooo cute! Your kids are adorable! Miss you!
faith said…
That looks like a fantastic trip! How exciting. It all looks so beautiful.
Bradley L. Hill said…
I concur with "amazing" and "fantastic", and we'll probably have to invent some new adjectives for the Simon Hill Family!
Karlie said…
Wow! Amazing! I love the monkey pictures you got. Crazy!
Ashley Hall said…
Jodi! It looks like you guys had an amazing time! I'm so glad you are having so many awesome opportunities to travel. And especially with 2 kids to take w you everywhere you go! :) I can't wait to meet your cute kids in person...someday! I love you! We need to catch up soon!

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