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Happy 2nd Birthday Auburn!!!

Well, last week my little girl turned two! I feel like we were just bringing her home from the hospital. We have been helping her understand what a birthday is. When we would question her she would respond to the appropriate questions. Her answers were "get a present", "eat cake, chocolate cake" and after her birthday she told me that "Auburn needs to cool down the candles again." I guess she wants another birthday. On Sunday we had another cake and she thought it was her birthday again, it was really cute!

Grandma and Grandpa Hill were actually able to be here for her birthday this year. Their plane arrived in the afternoon and we celebrated in the evening. Conley decided the party wasn't for him and actually slept through the entire thing.

She was more interested in eating cake than smiling for a picture.

She was spoiled rotten by her Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles, thanks for the presents!
Simon found this awesome children's mp3 player for her without headphones. She carries her "radio" around everywhere and asks for me to turn it on for her. It is uploaded with all of her favorites, even Daddy's music.

Auburn is such a delightful two year old. She repeats everything, I mean everything. Today, I think she said her longest sentence to date "Do you want to read your prophet book on the blue coach?" She narrates what is happening all day long. She loves helping me. Her new favorite is setting the table. She runs to me and asks "would you like to set the table?"
She loves her baby and bears, blocks and building towers, animals. She still loves reading books. She will sit and read for a half an hour reading books by herself while I do chores and shower in the morning. She loves looking at photos on the computer (screen saver option). She loves the swings and playing in the sand. She also loves her brother and is a very big helper!
Happy Birthday Auburn!!!!


faith said…
It is just amazing how fast they grow, isn't it?! What a beautiful little girl you've got!
SJ said…
Yeah, Auburn!
Happy Birthday, Auburn! You are one smart, sweet, and gorgeous little girl!!! We love you, even though we haven't formally met :) XOXO
Ashley Hall said…
I can't believe our babies are 2! They grow so fast...and I guess they're not our babies anymore, huh?! She's such a cutie. I think she and Kayley would be such good friends because it sounds like they are similar in a lot of ways. I would love to talk whenever you have time. Nate bought a new laptop so I have his other one with the web cam (I think it has one) here at home, so let me know when you want to chat! I love you!
SJ said…
I just realized, that is a 12 word sentance! When Brandon went to Speech Therapy at age 3, he was at 4 word sentences. They were wanting him to get up to 5-7 words. Imagine how smart that girl will be!

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