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seven months

My little boy is seven months. I really don't know where the time has gone. I know that he looks like he is already a year old, but I feel like he was just born. He is such an easy baby, I feel really blessed.

He now loves solid food. There are sometimes that I just can't feed him fast enough. He is still a super sleeper, 11-12 hours a night. He can sit up by himself. He pushes him self backwards when he is on his tummy, and gets stuck under furniture quite often. He loves playing with his toes and taking his socks off.

Conley loves toys. Luckily, he has a loving sister who brings him stuff all the time.
(I found this one morning after my shower)
Conley is very social and wants to be involved with everything. He still doesn't have any teeth, but I think some are on the way. My very happy natured baby has been grumpy the past few days.

I know this picture is blurry, but his smile is so sweet. This is the best one we had of it.

We love you Conley! Happy seven months!


Bradley L. Hill said…
"Every day is a happy day now!
Sing a song, it's a happy day now!"

- Simon, about age 8

"Aru ru ru ruu ruu. Duermese mi nene.
Aru ru ru ruu ruu. Es muy tarde ya."

- Lupe to our three infant children.
Emily said…
OH Conley is so cute!! He really looks like a little boy and he has lots of hair too! I love his smile!
SJ said…
Oh I just love those two!!! You're doing such a great job. Those pictures are so sweet.
Boyd Box said…
Oh my goodness, that lost picture of him is sooo sweet! And yeah, he can't be 7 months already! Time DOES fly.

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