Conley turned 8 months while we were in Rome. My little boy just keeps growing and growing. He is still off the charts in weight and in the 90 something percentile for height. He is happy and content. He recently started waking up during the night, something he hasn't done since he was two months old. We put a quick end to that. He loves music. He dances, really he does and it is hilarious. We turn on music or Simon brings out his guitar and he goes nuts. One day when I figure out how to edit our videos I'll put some up. He doesn't crawl yet, but moves backward and in circles. He always figures out how to reach a toy that he really wants. He is pretty even tempered, but he doesn't like it when you take a toy or book away from him. Conley loves books, and Auburn does a wonderful job of making sure that he always has one. He loves food of all kind. He is so content in his stroller as long as he can see. He has started reaching for items on the shelves at the grocery store, which has made shopping more exciting. He is wonderful! We love you Conley! Happy 8 months!
We found out last past week that we are expecting .... a baby boy! We are super excited! I had a feeling ever since we found out that I was pregnant that would be having a boy. Auburn came to the ultrasound with us and repeatedly said "baby" while we looked at the screen. We are excited for her to have a little brother. We just need to start thinking of baby boy names ....