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I am grateful that both of my kids love books. They love being read to and "reading" the books on their own. It actually amazes me how long their attention span is for books.

reading books in their fort

We took the picture of Conley below last week and I looked back and saw one of Auburn at the same age doing the same thing. I thought I would share.

Auburn at 10 months

Conley at 10 months

Hopefully they will continue to love reading!


SJ said…
You're doing such a great job w/ those two! They will surely love reading as they grow up! And when they are ready for more challenging books, and reading on their own, I will have a long list of suggestions. Brandon read a chapter to Caleb this last week in an attempt to start Caleb on a series he and Sam really enjoyed at Caleb's age. It must have worked, because I've kept Caleb home sick and he is reading that book now on his own. I still love reading to the boys, and I really think that is the secret!
Bradley L. Hill said…
It looks like Conley is lining up his date calendar!

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