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Conley's birthday

Someone is having a birthday!
You mean I can ripe this open?

Auburn, can you help me out?

mmm... tasty.

So much cake, where to start.

Oh, what is this stuff?

Mom and Dad have been holding out on me.

How does it taste with a spoon?

I highly recommend having a birthday!

Conley turned one at the beginning of May. Here are a few updates at a year: He can say mom, dad (his favorite word), ba (Auburn), dog, duck, quack, and almost has cow and ball done. He pulls up to everything and cruises along furniture. He loves being on his feet, but he still likes to crawl for speed. He is also starting to climb. He loves dogs, books, legos, playing with Auburn and destroying things like towers. He also loves being outside. The moment he is in his stroller his chubby little legs just start kicking with excitment. I feel like his favorite foods are milk, bananas and grilled cheese. He has a favorite blanket that he likes to sleep and snuggle with. We just love our little boy and can't believe that he is already a year old. Happy Birthday bud!


SJ said…
Hooray for Conley! I can't believe his vocabulary is off to such a prolific start. missing each of you...
Adriana said…
He is such a little man!
Bradley L. Hill said…
I surely love this little guy!
Boyd Box said…
So cute! You know, Emily never did the destroying towers thing, but it is Gianna's favorite way to "build".

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