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US - the little last part

So our original plan was to stay in Utah for one week and then return to Germany. During the planning process my cousin Tyler announced that he was getting married in the Draper temple the week after we were suppose to leave. Simon had to return to work, but I thought it would be a great idea to see a bunch of my family. The only catch was, I had to fly from Salt Lake City to Munich with both kids by myself. I decided to do it. Somehow we were totally blessed and didn't get the flu that everyone else in the house. And my kids slept for an amazing amount of time.

Like I said our camera died, so this are pictures off of my brother's camera. He only sent me a few so they are very limited. I was able to see my parents, my brother Kyle and his family and my sister Carrie even flew out. I also friends, aunts, uncles and and cousins that I haven't seen in years. It was wonderful!

My cousin Tyler and his new bride HyeWon

The boys scarfing down the biggest hamburgers ever for the bachelor party.

We stayed at my Grandma's house in Park City and Auburn just fell in love with this seal. Although I am not sure why she has that expression on her face.

Conley playing with his cousin Olivia

My parents, sister, sister-in-law, brother and me after the wedding.

This is the most precious picture of them all. My Grandma Seal started to decline right before we flew out. This is a picture of her with Auburn, Conley and Olivia, three of her great-grandchildren that she had never met until this trip. I knew when we left that it would be the last time I would see her on this earth again.

Grandma Seal passed away last week. I feel very grateful that I was able to say goodbye to her.


I'm so glad you were here to see your Grandma! (and me... :) )
Boyd Box said…
Reading that last tidbit gave me chills. It's amazing how God allows us those little bits of treasured moments to let us know HE knows and has the way prepared.
Bradley L. Hill said…
Thank you for posting this precious treasure of family history.

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