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road trip - the last part

Switzerland is famous for cheese. They have these Show Dairies in different parts of the country and we were able to visit a couple of them. This is the Emmentaler Schaukäserie. We got to see the cheese being made the old fashion way. Simon and and I both got to stir the cheese with the huge wooden spoon.

This is the cheese after he pulled it out of the pot and let it sit in the mold. The taste is really bland until they salt it. Afterwards we enjoyed some locally made yogurt and bought some cheese for some seriously delicious grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner.

There were four different castles on the Thunersee (the lake). These were my two favorite ones. I think royal life would of suited me well.

We stayed three nights in a city called Lauterbrunnen. This is Staubach falls. We could see this from the balcony of our hotel.

Chateau de Chillon

We got to tour this medieval castle on our own.

Hiking with two little kids is not particularly convenient, but we were in the Swiss Alps and we just had to. I don't have the words to describe the beauty of this place. I carried Conley in the wrap and Simon carried Auburn on his shoulders. We drove up to Grindelwald and hiked up to the base of the Oberer Gletscher (higher glacier). It was a good hour hike. From there you can take 900 stairs up to the glacier. Well, we did it. It doesn't seem like 900 stairs would be that bad, but when you have an extra 25 lbs, it is. We made it though.

Later that same day we decided to hike to at little lake called Oeschinensee. It was literally uphill the entire hour and a half. I thought I was going to die right there on the mountain, seriously. It really wouldn't have been so bad if we hadn't already hiked in the morning. I kept going and made it to the top. I know that I am out of shape, but Simon even admitted that was rough after our morning. Well it was worth.

Geissbach Falls

We spent a couple of nights with our friends Emily and Joseph. They lived in Munich and moved just outside Zurich last year. We were so exhausted we got there (and probably smelled from hiking all day) so I totally forgot to take pictures. Auburn and Conley loved playing with their kids. We enjoyed wonderful conversation and delicious food, thanks guys!

We stopped at another Show Dairy that happened to be at a monestary.

Again, more delicious cheese.

We spent the afternoon wandering around Zurich.

On the way back to Munich we stopped at a really cool city (Stein am Rhein). I forgot to put a picture up, but it was really cool. We also stopped at another gorge called Rappenlochschult. We hiked almost all the way to the lake, but apparently there was some damage to the path and we couldn't make it the rest of the way.

I just had to add Conley chowing down on a hamburger.

We are so grateful that Auburn recovered quickly and that the rest of our trip went so well!


faith said…
That is all stunning. What great documentation of what looks like a wonderful trip! I hope your kids appreciate your sacrifice. :)
Glad you got to get out.
So beautiful, thanks for sharing!
SJ said…
Oh those hikes in the Alps look awesome!

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