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Wildlife Poing

A few weeks ago Simon had a day off. He had secretly planned to take us to this park, well it rained the whole day. So that Saturday he surprised us and we all headed just north of Munich to Poing where they have a wildlife park. They have a bunch of different animals that you can feed and some others like bears and wolfs that you obviously can't feed. They also had rabbits and guinea pigs that the kids would pet.
Auburn thought it was great. She had no fear of animals, absolutely no fear. Conley on the other head got a little freaked out when an eager goat came up to him in the stroller.

feeding the dear

feeding the baby goats

(do you see Conley's upset face in the background)

Auburn chased these little guys after she feed them, they were afraid of her.

They let the dear room free in the beginning.

She tried and tried to feed the baby pigs, but they just wouldn't take it.

She finally started putting the food on the ground for him to eat.

feeding the bigger goats

seriously, no fear

We had a great time. Thanks for the surprise Daddy!


Bradley L. Hill said…
Bill Grogan's goat
Was feeling fine.
Ate from the hand
Of our Fräulein.

As Conley balks,
With furrowed brow,
This once shy girl
Has courage now!
Emily said…
we took Megan our first year n Munich, she loved it too:)

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