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one kilo

We had a doctor's appointment today. Luckily, we were able to do Auburn's three year and Conley's 18 month check up all in one. The nurses laughed when they realized that Conley only weighed a kilo (2.2 lbs) less than his older sister. I get the question "are they twins?" everywhere I go. People expect Conley to be able to do more because they think he is much older than he is. I think the percentiles might be off for the US. I think Auburn is actually in a higher percentile in height in the US, but I am not sure. I just used the scale in their German book. They did great, Conley didn't even cry for his last vaccinations. They are both healthy and right on track for all of their developments. We feel so blessed!


height 87 cm/ 34 in - 90 percentile
weight 12.5 kilos/ 27.5 lbs - 75 percentile


height 98.5 cm / 38.5 in - 50 percentile
weight 13.5 kilos / 30 lbs - 40 percentile


SJ said…
They do like like twins on the slide, at a quick glance. Keep th eposts comming!
I'll try to do some too!
Boyd Box said…
Granted, she still has a little over two months to grow before she turns three, but Auburn is still taller than Gianna...although I just realized that I know exactly how big Conley is because he and Gianna are almost exactly the same weight and height (she's an inch taller)!! Crazy!
Amelie just had her check up, and at 36 inches, she's in the 31st percentile, so it seems pretty similar... but of course that's just my guesstimation.

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