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I just realized I haven't blogged for a month.  Last week I was sick, like didn't get out of bed for three days sick.  It was awful, but Simon and the kids were very helpful.  Because of that of Christmas fun I am behind in my blogging, so here is a recap of December.

Simon was gone for most of November.  He had three different business trips, it was kind of a whirlwind.  Auburn started asking everyday if Daddy was coming home.  So, last week I took the kids to Simon's new office to show them for Daddy works.  I think it helped.  They loved it!  Although I think their idea of what he actually does all day is a little off.  We have loved having Daddy home for the entire month of December.  Here they are snuggling while watching Bundesliga highlights on a Saturday afternoon.

Auburn has decided that she doesn't need naps anymore.  I still make her have "quiet time" every afternoon.  Every once in a while I find this.

This is just a cute picture of my little man sleeping in his Christmas jams.

I have been trying to do winter activities with the kids this month.  We made snowmen, went to a winter festival here in Munich called Tollwood and did crafts with friends.  We went downtown to look at the Steiff (famous German teddy bear) window displays and walk through a couple of Christmas markets.  This week I took them to the mall to see Santa Claus and do some more crafts.  Well, they saw the german Santa Claus, St. Nikolaus, and wanted nothing to do with him.  Conley screamed and Auburn didn't even want to shake his hand, maybe because he looked like this....

We stayed at the mall and made some gingerbread men crafts. The theme at the mall this year was Lebkuchen (gingerbread).

This is the best picture I got of the two of them.  

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas!!!!!


Bradley L. Hill said…
How delightful! Sorry you were ill.
SJ said…
That German Santa Clause looks like the St. Nicholas of Turkey from Brandon's report. I'm glad you took the kids to do some of those cultural activities. They may not be too thrilled now, but they can use all that info for reports down the road! Miss you!

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