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Merry Christmas

I think the closest thing that we have to tradition for Christmas in our family is going to Schliersee.  Our first year of being married we decided to head to England and travel for two weeks, then we were in Florida with my family, the next year was California was Simon's family and then the past three years we have been here in Munich.  We have really enjoyed our past two years at Schliersee for Christmas that we decided to go again, and it was the right choice.


Here are the kids on the train.  It only takes an hour to get there and the kids loved looking out the window.

While we were there went sledding, some of us liked it more than others.  Auburn loved talking about it, but wasn't quite sure after the first ride down.  Conley kept saying "more" and "mas".  We built a little snowman and made snow angels.

Mommy and Daddy played billards and fussball while the kids read books and did puzzles.  The kids played and played in the toy room.  We took naps, all four of us, that was bliss.  We also told the story of Mary and Joseph to our kids.

We took a bus from Schliersee to Spitzensee just over the mountain.  The first year we tried to hike it, but the markings were not very clear and the rain made us turn back.  We walked around the frozen lake, played in a snow fort and just enjoyed the beautiful Alps.

Monday we returned home to find what Santa Claus had left for us.  Auburn and Conley love their "bikes".  Auburn's is called Laufrad in German and it is a bike without pedals.  They are very popular here and she is likes that it is pink.  Conley calls to his little bike a cycle (motorcycle) half of the time.  We have been outside everyday to ride them.  The kids also received some nice gifts from grandparents, aunts and uncles and friends.  Thanks!  It was so fun to see the exciting and joy from our kids this year.  We enjoyed the day playing and relaxing!

We hope that all of you had a very Merry Christmas and were able to spend this time of year reflecting on the love of the Savior and the very best gift that we had all been given.  All the best to each and everyone of you in the upcoming year!


Boyd Box said…
Auburn's bike is super cool! I wonder if they even sell them here.
Once again, you've made Germany look amazing and I would so love to be there. We keep dreaming of international travel...perhaps one day!
Emily said…
It sounds like you had a nice quiet Christmas surrounded by beautiful scenery:) We'll have to catch up in a couple weeks!!
Bradley L. Hill said…
Thanks for sharing! We love your scrapbook pages!

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