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auburn stuff

Here are a few things that Auburn has said to me this week.  I thought I would share.

Referring to a lego creation she built:
"Mom, this is a scary fire bird that eats tiger meat."
(I have no idea where that came from)

As we were walking down the street,
"I want to ride in a convertible.  I would like to feel the wind in my hair."  And then she shook her head so that her hair would move.

While we were at the mall this week:
A: "Mom, I want want new clothes."
me: "You have clothes."
A: "But I like wearing new clothes."
(We are in trouble when she is a teenager.  She also told me this week that she wants earrings and to wear makeup.)

Conley ask me for a tissue and Auburn volunteered to help him.  She wiped his nose and then told me "Mom, I put the tissue in my pocket in case he needs it again."  A few minutes later I hear "Conley do you need to blow your nose, let me help you (as she gets the tissue from her pocket).  Oh, and let's wipe off that milk face."
She takes really good care of him.


SJ said…
They are both so grown up! I can't wait to SQUEEZE 'em! We're a bit stressed on this end. We didn't realize your passport can't expire w/in 3 months of leaving a few countries on our list. Monday I start the scramble to get B a new one.
Bradley L. Hill said…
Jodi, I got my ears pierced when I was a baby, but don't let that influence your decision.

I have NEVER had my ears pierced!

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