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look what we found

In the square, close right by our apartment, they were showing off the trophy for the UEFA Champions League.  For those of you who don't follow soccer, the Champions League is a tournament of the best soccer clubs in Europe, very prestigious.  The final is being played in Munich next week.  It was totally random for them to be showing it, but we walked over and snapped a few shots.

Conley is wearing his Manchester United uniform.  He got it on his birthday and loves it.  He is currently going through phrase where he wants to wear "soccer players".  Luckily my sister-in-law has given us some hand-me-downs from her boys.

Auburn wanted to wear a jersey as well, so we borrowed one from Conley.

Speaking of Champions League, our team Bayern Munich is going to be playing in the final here at home.  This is the first time that one of the finalist has had home field advantage.  Simon had the unique opportunity to attend the the last match of the semi finals.  He was already in Madrid for a business trip and was able to somehow get tickets.  It was one of the most phenomenal matches that either of us has ever seen.  It was against Real Madrid.  It was tied in aggregate goals at the end of regulation time, went to over time, and then on to penalty kicks.  I watched it here in Munich.  Simon was the only Bayern fan in his section and had stay quiet until at the very end when game when he couldn't contain himself any longer.  We will not be going to the final there were over a million requests for tickets, we didn't even try.

My handsome hubby

That guy looking at the camera is one of the best players in the world, Ronaldo.


Bradley L. Hill said…
What! Nobody has commented yet? This is a phenomenal post!
Bradley L. Hill said…
Ahhhh! What COULD have been!

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