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So here it is June, and I am finally putting pictures up of our trip to China that happened in April.  The past few months have been a blur of awesomeness.  We pretty much crammed all of our travelling for the year into a few months.  Now that we are home and things are fairly calm and I am attempting to post pictures.

We started our trip in Beijing.  The kids were amazing on the plane, they always are.  They love flying and even pretend to do so at home.  They are still taking trips to China (their bedroom) and flying on the airplane (the coach) with their luggage.  

Our first stop in Beijing was the Great Wall.  It turned out to a beautiful clear sunny day.  
I have to admit, I didn't realize how many stairs and inclines were on the wall, it was quite the workout.  

cute little ones taking a break

I just love this picture of Auburn walking on the wall.

This is my awesome cousin Ryan.  
He came with us for the first part of our trip.  My kids love him.  
He was great at helping carry the kids, thanks again Ryan!

Simon and Ryan hiked up to the highest part that you can go on the wall.  
I waited with the kiddos down below.  
This pictures shows the wall pretty well, as well as my handsome hubby.

Us and Mao

Conley and Auburn at the Forbidden City

There is a hill in Jingshan Park has a great view of the Forbidden City.

After the Forbidden City we headed to zoo, really just to see the Pandas.  The Pandas were coaxed out with some bamboo and put on a show for us.

What is a trip for us without soccer?  This is game one. 
It just so happened that the Asian Champions League was being played.
Conley snuggled up to Ryan and fell asleep amid the fanatic fans.

This is the preforming arts building.  The entire building is surrounded by water.

Temple of Heaven Park

Bird'sNest from the 2008 Olympics.

The Water Cube from the Olympics

Yes, those are scorpions and yes, he really ate them.  They had fried scorpions for sale at the outdoor eatery by our hotel.  Ryan ate two of them, he will try anything.  He offered the last one to Auburn, who was just about to take a bite when I stopped her.  Simon informed me that had I not been there, he would of let her try it.  Ryan's assessment, not much flavor and kind of prickly to chew.  

The Summer Palace


We don't have a picture of it, but the subway was totally wild.  Most of the time we literally had to push our way in and out.  There are so many people, and the lack of lines and order that we have come to cherish in Germany was no where to be seen.


I would NEVER eat a scorpion, but I would let my kid if they wanted to. Keep em coming, I love living vicariously!!
Bradley L. Hill said…
Stunning photos and report! Worth waiting for!
SJ said…
great pics! What an amazing trip!!!

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