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home again, home again

I realized that I have not posted a single thing since our two and half month stay in Miami.  I am not back in Munich and apologize for the delay.  We were enjoying the beautiful weather.  We left Miami with highs int he 80s and today came home to a high of 24 degrees.  That is brutal.  Although, my kids are excited to use the snow tomorrow for some sledding.

Miami was interesting.  I knew Spanish was prevalent.  I didn't realize that in my home country I wouldn't be able to communicate with some many people and have cashiers at every establishment speak to me in Spanish.  Auburn told me that people speak English and Spanish in the US.  I had to remind her that was really only in Miami.  The traffic is horrid there.  So many people and no place to expand.  It is almost suffocating.

We did get  to see family and spend holidays with them.  It has been almost five years since that has happened.  We drove to Jacksonville to see good friends, our old ward and our home.  We enjoyed traveling by car again, playing outside and wearing flip flops everyday, except for maybe two days.  The kids and shopped and I taught them to love Target.   They made friends at every park.  The language barrier here in Germany is getting bigger and bigger for them.  We spent a lot of time at the beach. 

I think my kids have super powers when it comes to flying.  I flew solo with them.   It was around 15-16 hours of travel and there was not one tantrum or even an argument.  We came home to lots of love.  A brother in our ward at church picked us up at the airport.   His wife sent along some staples, including dinner.  He offered to go grocery shopping for me.  After arriving home another sister from our ward came with more food and offered her assistance.  It feels nice to be home! 

I will post pictures and more stuff about our Miami adventure as soon as my brain isn't so jet-lagged and I have worked through the mountain of laundry.


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