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kid updates

It's been a while since I did an update on these two little sweethearts.  They both are very excited to have a little brother or sister.  They are also very excited to go on our upcoming trip.  They pretend they are going on trips all of the time.  They play very well together and come up with some very imaginative games on their own.  I find myself thanking the Lord throughout the day at random times for these sweet little kids.

Auburn - almost 4 and a half

loves to read, and is doing very well in English and is starting with Spanish
takes a ballet class in German and dances around the house
has developed her very own style of drawing and will sit for long periods of time drawing and coloring
she draws pictures for her friends
can write her own name, all of the letters and is starting to spell other words on her own
loves playing with her baby and stuffed animals
is very compassionate
loves all things "princess"
would prefer to live in the US
favorite colors are still purple and pink
at her request she folds and puts away her own clothes
loves to pick out her outfits
can do 50 piece puzzles on her own
she already loves to travel

Conley - 2 and 9 months

loves cars, trucks and trains
he has to hold my hand on the side that is closest to cars so he can see them
is learning his letters and numbers
his favorite songs are "Everybody Talks" by the Neon Trees and Bob the Builder 
he has an awesome vocabulary and is starting to speak more Spanish
can dribble a soccer ball across the park and throw like a pro
he will still let us snuggle with him occasionally
has been potty trained for seven months
he likes the colors blue and brown (because it is the same color of poop)
 he doesn't really nap anymore
can do 25 piece puzzles on his own
loves to read and to be read to, even by his sister
he has a very good imagination
will share just about anything if you ask nicely


Bradley L. Hill said…
Y'all have learned 'em good!

Auburn totally looks like Carrie in that picture!

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