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Schliersee - for the last time

A few weeks ago during church, Simon nonchalantly leans over and tells me "Oh, by the way, we are taking a long weekend to Schliersee.  We are leaving Wednesday and coming home Sunday morning".  He knew for weeks, and I was totally surprised.  I love when my husband surprises me.
  Schliersee is normally where we spend Christmas, but we missed it this year due to our long Miami trip.  We are really lucky that Simon's company has such great accommodations there. 
The first two days we had incredible weather.  We took the boat out on the lake and did some hiking.  The third day, Simon had to go back to Munich for work.  It rained the entire day he was gone.  The kids and I spent a lot of time in the playroom and I convinced them to take naps that day as well.  The last night we suffered from some food poisoning.  I am still not sure how or what was the culprit, but it was brutal.  Simon did not get sick for some reason.  He told me it was because he got sick while we were in Morocco.  Luckily it passed quickly, but I spent Mother's Day in bed recovering. 

The row boat on Lake Schliersee.  We even got a rainbow.

The next day we hiked up to get a view of the lake.  
Simon at the top.

Auburn and Conley along the way.

I am really grateful that they enjoying hiking and being outdoors.

Days like these make me very sentimental and sad about leaving this beautiful place.  It was really nice to be able to visit one last time before we leave.  Besides the sickness, it was a great weekend spent with my loved ones in an incredible setting.


Bradley L. Hill said…
I am also feeling nostalgic about your closing chapter in Europe. I'm sure it will be followed by new, different adventures.

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